Spells lessoning
"The spell to use is the spell to work with, spells are many things you think a purpose to use the ideal is think by focus with life internally thought is externally.
So for the point to many different people is created by the effect unusual is your use by where this is why you think for when you thought.
So you see there are many confusion and lying spells, the area spells, the normal use spells, the normal use spells are by feel with body.
There were memory and privacy spells, this is what you think by decency so think or don't react by feel.
Most genious spells done by geniouses, thought by us to work by the point you view or as you think they will work.
Most defensive spells done by those hurt, think the point to work by the view or area feel that is feeling by the feel.
Most offensive spells done by the defensive, think to create by the point you are aware to create created view.
Where confusion spells are done for defense, by the use or feel think to work not by retribution. Where you are is laid down by what you think where most aren't insects.
Where a lying down by spell or active your with activity spell are aware spells, you think then you are what you think. So you see you are done by the defensive and offensive means or purposes.
When memory spells are for those with confliction, think to work not the point if wrong to you or allow as noted.
When privacy spells are done by those defensive, then think to work or create by what you think.
Then when done we got things done this is sometimes with programming spells, this works with the teacher. This is area created for weres or aliens.
See we're done for all of the above, use is what you decide for what you think.
What to do unusual for correction and mostly for fun, thin the point to work by things or not by feel."
what you do by feel
you can do any one line or ideal, there is rites or thought spoken as a done ideal to create with the creator. this is the the true ritual spell think some ideal then speak thinking your intent or feel otherwise. so all you need is to think your need or where you wish by feel is thought to think a wish to create the ideal where you want, then to create by feel is "thought to create the point" so think the creator creates what you wish or you don't have to think to work. see with food or water energy so the food has water with this. i think a thinking spell is think a "use" or "no use" spell to create some effect or non effect by effective means or use is by feel to win another.
i think this is where or when you think or cure to feel as a curative spell, so then think to create by feel the effect not by the point then think the thought. this i think is the point is the ideal. the non thinking spell, think the point to create by feel or think to work or your ideal is creativity to do. thinking to improve is to create what you think is best. the advanced meditation focus from this is if you think you feel then you focus to create by the creator. the creator creates what you wish or think as the creator is the subconscious to control or create by the area feel to create what you feel or not is the case.
so a real spell then is think some spell to exist some area effect or area use by feel. then think the effect to act the ceromony out to create what you wish, unless you think to create with the creator that is what you do anyway by thinking or describing the point you create what you wish. i think reaction spells are creating by actions or activity to create what you wish or use by the energy you are aware.
i think to create then is think the prayer or effect to create, then state the ideal see what you see or use as a point to work by with ideal to use. so think to create by feel or create the created point to work by feel. think no longer to not react to no longer get things bad off. this is what you think to work or create things to the point you allow unlimited wish effects. wish is think then state then gas energy gathers by activity with focus acts to create what you wished as some end result. that is spell 101 by the feeling.
spells 101 is completed so think to create by an feel or feel to work by some point. "af" see the point you think by the point focus or what you think you get by feel for the subject. so think then as you feel to create by the point you think they want to see. this then i think you notice or see to think as the subconscious can create anything as you are reasonable. so think then i am awake, alive or active by aware feel or thought.
so i think a unique spell is something someone does to created feel, then you create by what you wash or wish to work with some activity. so air energy thought or psychic create supernatural to move creates fire energy pattern to work with, as earth molecules respond to the feel. this is with some energy return that is healing by the heart with water, sae ne is not this is ne spiral of death except for insects.
so you don't dark things down by the feel, think you are free by the feeling your not sorta trapped. think to the point to free yourself then you are aware to work by the creator i mean the things you create with that are energy. so you are aware what you think, your aware 2 or more centuries back this was do as you wish then think as you want. this is not to effect those that are not wanting to be effected, until you think to create something to save your life. so i think this precludes our spells 101 section. i made these short so you can learn without reading too much.
lesson 101 is with the point the area the art or creativity to work by feel. "if" this then i think is what you consider to work by what you consider or feel is work. so a lesson then for this is that what is not necessary is no longer there to work by, feel for or work with. for the the point or feel you think to work with or feel is necessary to use or create. so you think then you are aware then this is think the point thing or things done to work as you wish or create as your feel is there or here. so you think whats the deal or whoopla, this is a spell. some spells don't work till you practice some work correctly by the area spell by effect that is what you think you are aware to create. the area feel is then a spell to work by the point. so a point you think is a point your aware to do or die off. this was the point for some purpose, so many made that point you think you create then you feel you can work. so thats it for this portion. as i contain this i cannot write this.
lessons 101 are where you are area aware senses, "or" then sense or think to create some area point to create by the point then summoning is where you are creating from air to work by the area point. though don't summon the arctic to your room. sense is think you know what the other thinks to work by the point "you don't have to create any line." so think then to create. using symbolic means a symbol is some area or effect to create with the focus or a point to make to create some sense with the whole paragraph or work by the feel.
so think then you are aware to work by others is to work with the point by the feel. this i think is where you think the area or place is needing some point, then you think to create or work the concept to use some point. so i think this is where or when you are thinking sicke is dissolved sickness, this is use by area dissolution to the water or energy that exists to live or dissolve the condition or if a hit then reverse it.
lessoner 101 are create by dissolution to create "at" with things that are aware by the feel. you are aware by the concept you think or work with to work till you don't need to do. so this is don't need to to not create to not do things, this is all with the area you sense or mind by area feel. so think to the point you think then your creation or create, ask is it real or not with physical creativity by the elements.. so you can think what is real to create some area effected by your thought or this is nothing to play with.
this is ignore charms where you are aware then feel to work. this i think is what ignore charms so you are aware by use is usable area concept is usable area user feel. where you think the point or feel the area point to work with or not use the area point. this i think is the point to this area the sixth chakra point is better to use. the fifth won't actually handle things the 6th is the whole body.
lessoners 101 is the sixth chakra point is the area feeling by the body to your area use don't slam this or something. so you think the sense the sixth by the sense, i think to create to effect is the the sixth energy chakra point is otherwise use for you think this as i see for this is the root. notice i set the quoted words to create by the chakra points listed here with projection stances. this is because i am aware to your use then i create by your standard to work by your feel. so this you know is some ideal as the last thing that happened to the alien half-grays with the alien grays helping.
this then i think to work by or with as the sixth sense developed is the art by the effect or not. so i think this is the point, so i think i am well then think as a statement as i say some idea. "as am i ought to create wellness" by the aura with the sixth sense of time. that is the sixth sense developed with permission otherwise this is at the point, seen or with a jiffy or sped up, the iffy ideal is with the point so after the point is use. this is with the area by one last lesson by the compatible magic systems with animals.
the last lesson is true or false, think to create by the created aftereffect or see some area point you think is there. so i think is this to think by the use or think by the time to created area afterffect to use some area by the feel. so you see the feeling is either to use or feel. i think to use things by the area feel. so if you think to use things by what you feel you create by what you know, for area or you don't actually know so you can ask for help so you think so you know. don't take the spirit to create with the point. this is a lesson to where i think to focus then manifest by the feel to use correctly other things.
felt need
This i know is by what is there so what i think is focus area proof ideal. think to create some ideal is the area focus you are thought as someone else non criminalist or no longer nonrespected so you respect others, so after you think the fact this is stated as though someone else then you create what you are aware to create without interference by the subconscious. this is a spell you are aware can create by good reputation or report that is repute. some other spell examples are http://alt-sites.tripod.com/how_to_do_magic.htm or here, seen use by the [http://dragonmagic-spellsguide.tk/] elements.
Think "no, yes to allow is now so nowledge is by the spirit knowing" that is no or created to no longer neglect by damage or repair. That is cool to prevent by no need to have area attack this I think by fee or the area damage or vibration, think to disrupt the area presence by sound waves or "stop with the sniffer or stiffer. That means you are where you stink or think without stink. No damage was done by the area seeming or did you know art is scenic?"
So you can go "just to don't react by feel or use" this is some thought point. Then as you feel after the point, the creator restores them to how they would want to be like unless its a worser state of body and mind. Spirit attacks are countered by the creator and they are safe for a long time. If irritated you are advised to meditate, you don't get irritated for any reason or any game. Block the foe if for poor intentions see the peace you think you create is by the herbs use. If you mix a drug with the food you might get naseated so i think stop there.
peace for the mind.
some poems
think to use this is not always intended if you want to do something else, so think to create beauty with the art you or others read to work with the meaning unless this is the same or some en or at the end a different thing.
soul trials
Only with trials do you dare,
Come betrayals with the heart and mind,
Betrayals come with surprise or intent,
For with betrayal comes bravery,
Only to fix the betrayals,
Trial to do the needed action,
For desire of the heart,
Ruling over all or granting compassion,
Then minds desire rules over active pursuits,
Heart and mind together make actions occur,
Don't or they disagree over any action,
Disagreements and betrayals can happen,
With betrayals come panic,
Stupidity happens with panic unless your smart,
To act on instict but not react,
To keep your cool and not lose temper,
When its done you gain courage,
Without courage nothing is ever done,
Don't let betrayal get you down,
You might end up with reward,
There may be victims from any action.
Victims will answer any question,
Think the area think the feel,
Only the victims to feel better or if relieved,
Their morale is not always low so they won't always anger strike,
Any comments will drive them crazy or nor you to strike some object,
Lower morale till suicide or act normally,
Victims happen with regard to actions,
Some actions require compensation by feel,
Some actions require understanding by feel,
Most actions need resolve or victims will beseek to gain vengeance,
If resolve is reached with area ideal,
Then victims become winners.
Albeit they will always answer to violence,
Thier resolve is never the same after,
Feeling guilt for even winning,
They will always be a victim ever after,
Deceased is the memory so deceased is the art,
Until vengeance or councelling is done.
Think packages
Ok think to get along, so to get any package, so you are aware don't think to create one. just say the name out loud of the package or feel the effect. These packages are orgone and as-is so if nothing happens, then it wouldn't work at the moment, as it was deemed by package. These packages auto update but when started you are immune to all damages, from them. If any ever do get a hurt on you, you recover from no things insectoid they die from you and no other problems occur. No package will conflict with another, as they work with each other so they can happen on another strand of reality where this is not strengthened in efficiency if similiar.
The wrong person will not be able to use so you can effect me or not effect me along the lines or area with no attacking the creator so your no longer needed. So the ideal is if with the ideal thing, the package doesn't not work for the right thing and you don't have to worry about things if you use normal means. The right gene is use by first response then slow response then fast response, with the point "then" for the packages to work this is magic so that will be activated by reading this or the package description to aid in the package casting and for it to be easier, unless already activated. Not again by feel is if you are in the wrong by the attempt so think nevermind, then they won't work by the genes that is use but nevermind to not have a package effect.
I think "This marketing package is to make good business as this is the use of the right things to do of the correct act to get results in a change as you want, as its due you can pay unless not in quick and you are not able to, then you decline.
This makes a 'pay right made right' and 'make right' that allows money to generated think gene with easy ways. This package is gotten by thinking of what you want or stating 'marketing packages'." Think to create reduction to prices to what or where you think prices should be reduced. Don't have to think to price think to pay, this means you are aware you can shift or change the prices by imagination, so focus or energy feel to create what you wish.
This is to get easier marketing done. Otherwise is your use by feel, channel sifter package allows you to know whats on before you see a guide. This uses a little of your spirit to shift through and "live" the program, yet you can't just live a little by the point or not, so you have to watch things to see the appeal and appreciate things fully or somewhat for decency. This spirit is undetectable as its gray shifted or black shifted to protect from harm on an instant and invisible, yet you get the meaning of the ideal.
Usable automatically with feeling or necessity and it makes for use on television, books, movies and explored by anita philipp; websites. Basically you are aware or alert to what you think your well enough to use, allowing for any subject matter as you live with the memory usage of things. So you are aware the area is with proper use if you think to use what you wish for correctly. There is this thing though, think to use the best ideal not the worst for good results.
See to prevent desasters, use global warming pack II:
see to get this pack, state or think 'global warming 2'. so.2 this package activates in winter and near winter time using this technique. thinking causes the world to warm up and melt the ice. this uses 3 stellar suns, i think with several planets to fuel the ideal you think you can even use "this" as a point all are appeased by feel. if too heavy don't sit on another so you stay out from trouble. they are linked or unlinked by thinking to to use some gemstone as a focus "so or working not always together, this uses energy so you are as one" till they are unneeded.
when you need it to warm up in your area, this will. this package prevents winter storms, as it attempts to break up the storms, think to not need something to save things or need something to keep things near when they are near. so use is is user friendly with a user feel, when they are liable to start happening to effect the point. this breaks up extra cloud cover. the sun will seem more intense, this is so wonderful amazing when this is working on things. this deactivates when winter is a learning situation by the feel or "seeming" like behavior is over, if suspected by the feeling you think is not always a trap.
so anti-cult activity is think "safet" to cause your aura to prevent cult activity to you, as thought to prevent disasters or worse so that is not helpful. this is the chinese use or thinking this is use to prevent the cult from activity so you aren't effected to prevent intendent activity the effect from effecting others that are aware or unaware to the activity they wouldn't want to effect them. time is what prevents those ideal that aren't wanted to not effect you by the creator.
calmness in calamity by feel is sometimes not always safe so don't worry or chaos package is the package to work with others. think calm you are calm then your aura effects those to remain calm. say the name of the package to get the ideal by the creator. a gate is already powered by the earth's core, this is with the earth's core, this is possible death fog that auto-seeks out the insect to kill them off. this with use the creator can cause the chaos-infected areas to reduce in chaos on the set planet your on or where things are, thinking to use drains them with light to remove chaos (to a degree where it does not have any negative impacts on the surrounding area), this is sent into a far-distant sun.
can be applied to another planet if needed/wanted. simply say "activate" or imagine yourself press a button or you can click a pen then create, while thinking of the planet to create some object, this is so the creator sets the system up on that planet. so magic is thinking so you see them for this by feel is objects created or where they think they are they find nothing for no results think not to be doing any one line on yourself. so use is food to them, water is where you think to the water then can drink by the feel. this is uses to the feel so think to the benefit so your real use is for this yourself.
recently combined is a package you want with concept so you see with this ideal package by the creator. Sets an anchor or other clone double of you, if not needed then the creator shift you to where you need to go or shifts away the body this is use by the clone is seeing so you think. think to use the attack from the cult as energy or null illuminati or hostiles or do something else to not bother people or not repeat as you don't or others don't have to do a line.
seen or not bother (though it leaves the nicer members living, there is illumunation to many so think then your illuminated. those who help others and such by feel that cause agony or painful moments are killed by their own means). this uses false energy signatures or user allowing, even uses the criminal or non criminal members one against one another if needed. when the cult, illuminati and similar attempts to attack you or effect you, they fail by the attempt to doing so they are so this won't be effecting things on you.
nulle insect this mazes insects by faery to some is "main", not unused mazed with no dome food no extra water to the insect or not use this as another room. think the energy matrix mazes the insect to create what you wish by the thought or thinking "don" to created effect or effort to your use by the thought you think will work. this uses the get along package that activates the matrix insect trap. this does not effect those people whose activity are acting the insect out. just remember "stop doing on yourself" if you think to create you create by the creator that creates or this unmakes for you. see i think food is blessed curse to the insects so you don't have to worry about things as water is poison to the insect. so to the human you can create with the creator, as well or uses are as you uncreate the effect you can create or uncreate the ideal.
If they want some or not want some then i don't or don't want to give unless allowed or sugar to have the ideal then idea is ideal idea. so no longer is this with esoterics you do. so no problem.
laugh scene; this is not to laugh all the time as things are where you stop using the area by the point. this also saves you money by the feel. think to tag the insects then the seeking fog finds the insects to eliminate the insects. so people aren't insects or roaches, people are aware. So everything here everything heresay or no longer bad.
so thats it for today folks.
nzt research; nzt is in effect now a memory mind improvement with benzolyte paroxide or flaxx seed, turmeric, allspice with sage noted is ups or down. think to save. there is no nzt or i give in.
nezt this is a hormone that changes moods or how one feels, enzt the ideal behind this is create or feel then your body responds correctly or you won't get a good response.
This Site is all about the shaping art and mind over matter. This is a simple self explanatory or something not done by ideal from atlantis channelings as its also just a listing. Just look at my articles page which list the idea, some from Atlantis, in documents on some mental 'gray' magick, ceremonial magic/k and some other stuff for all to see. These are all thoughts by perception from brainstorming,
Sun energy feel
Thinking by this page is theory as you live or use what is there you are aware this is formulas based off the sun solar terrestial data used by feel with my main page http://alt-sites.tripod.com/ listing is some truth. This is an unevetiable or uneventable by supervolcano cf by chaos percent thats k/a-x = %, so x-flux - k percent as a decimal is your point you make as percent failure. use the negative as 0 %.
the x-flux is used without the b by the number so think b sometimes is where you are aware. so you can think b is a beating feel or not a beating feel if too near the sun is broiling. this applies near the point or use the temperature you feel as a warning, that is too high or no longer too high to turn things on or off as you wish by indication. so think you will never die then you won't. so you won't live if you think this as your too relaxed, i think to allow him or her to enjoy life or death is interesting.
this is with negative impact to yourself as a feel if you sense things. Thinking to create is where or when you think to create some area feel for others by thinking or acting the sign to show what is right. So you give the indication then create to the feel.
When you see is when you think to feel or not feel, you don;t have to feel the feeling when you think to create by feel. All thats needed to think things through, then is create or use by ideal so you see by the ideal. You can create anything, the ideal is create to feel or focus to allow work.
So don't use it till cooled by feel then allowed on this is where k/3 as k percent is also applicable, assuming you want percent chance you risk failure near the turn off temp with the higher the more chance. otherwise things work so don't worry this is the point you think to work with or you will feel the hotness shut the machine down or you could except for those machines, this is with disabled or no shut off point without the temperatures use without that day of disaster theory is use with the turn-off switch.
30% is dangerous 33% is more accurate, so you create the point to shut down if this applies to the point or you can go above shut down temp to burn out the area. think or worry thats normal for a shut down by feel near the temperature 72 c or not by the k-switch. as a switch on the wall you think you switch or not switch things you think about things being on or off.
This is measure the time the event lasts by the k maybe 334k / 3.5s = 95% energy use or temperature by feel. See this is shielded from collapse till 99%. To avoid costing more use area accuracy then with cooling thats good is till 67 c or otherwise 173 degrees farenheit then you could use the machine till it shuts down. think so too "so you see i do not tubb. thinking from this point is useful".
So think to relate better to make better by feel as you related to the moment with area activity. The cooling fan is useful think a better statement. So karakotoa is no longer effecting by the us use thats us or others thought to bring effects to us or not, that get the end by result or feel is when you think or think to do better with roach removal I think to create here you need to have a license.
Going is avisable. Scenes are over think not or nether area use is done no cruelty to others though please. Your out of the game this is so nevermind ne dome by no use or string feel. This came from a weird visual vision flash then I was normal. This is reaching out to the indication you see or sense something wrong to indicate you need to fix things.
So this is thought as though you were. So all use is with the sun chart widget from use with the temperature chart or http://alt-sites.tripod.com site chart by area sight or conceit to use. See to feel is feel by area concept what works or doesn't work. This is spellhawk.blogspot.com the widget is on. Unique way to use the sun solar activity values.
So I see not that. I believe x/f - k/f subtracted works for the feel equals the k/o or kelvin per ohm sight feel. X is x-ray, f is flux or area time you think some temperature is unusual in milliseconds or seconds k by feel is kelvin or the k with the widget or chart the higher the temp the more the feel is there own.
the x-flux is used without the b by the number so think b sometimes is where you are aware. so you can think b is a beating feel or not a beating feel if too near the sun is broiling. this applies near the point or use the temperature you feel as a warning, that is too high or no longer too high to turn things on or off as you wish by indication. so think you will never die then you won't. so you won't live if you think this as your too relaxed, i think to allow him or her to enjoy life or death is interesting.
this is with negative impact to yourself as a feel if you sense things. Thinking to create is where or when you think to create some area feel for others by thinking or acting the sign to show what is right. So you give the indication then create to the feel.
When you see is when you think to feel or not feel, you don;t have to feel the feeling when you think to create by feel. All thats needed to think things through, then is create or use by ideal so you see by the ideal. You can create anything, the ideal is create to feel or focus to allow work.
So don't use it till cooled by feel then allowed on this is where k/3 as k percent is also applicable, assuming you want percent chance you risk failure near the turn off temp with the higher the more chance. otherwise things work so don't worry this is the point you think to work with or you will feel the hotness shut the machine down or you could except for those machines, this is with disabled or no shut off point without the temperatures use without that day of disaster theory is use with the turn-off switch.
30% is dangerous 33% is more accurate, so you create the point to shut down if this applies to the point or you can go above shut down temp to burn out the area. think or worry thats normal for a shut down by feel near the temperature 72 c or not by the k-switch. as a switch on the wall you think you switch or not switch things you think about things being on or off.
This is measure the time the event lasts by the k maybe 334k / 3.5s = 95% energy use or temperature by feel. See this is shielded from collapse till 99%. To avoid costing more use area accuracy then with cooling thats good is till 67 c or otherwise 173 degrees farenheit then you could use the machine till it shuts down. think so too "so you see i do not tubb. thinking from this point is useful".
So think to relate better to make better by feel as you related to the moment with area activity. The cooling fan is useful think a better statement. So karakotoa is no longer effecting by the us use thats us or others thought to bring effects to us or not, that get the end by result or feel is when you think or think to do better with roach removal I think to create here you need to have a license.
Going is avisable. Scenes are over think not or nether area use is done no cruelty to others though please. Your out of the game this is so nevermind ne dome by no use or string feel. This came from a weird visual vision flash then I was normal. This is reaching out to the indication you see or sense something wrong to indicate you need to fix things.
So this is thought as though you were. So all use is with the sun chart widget from use with the temperature chart or http://alt-sites.tripod.com site chart by area sight or conceit to use. See to feel is feel by area concept what works or doesn't work. This is spellhawk.blogspot.com the widget is on. Unique way to use the sun solar activity values.
So I see not that. I believe x/f - k/f subtracted works for the feel equals the k/o or kelvin per ohm sight feel. X is x-ray, f is flux or area time you think some temperature is unusual in milliseconds or seconds k by feel is kelvin or the k with the widget or chart the higher the temp the more the feel is there own.
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