To form a red stone ring is use the heart energy from another to create a red stone sized by the creator.
To form a yellow stone by feel is to create with piss not on a person so think to form the area energy to a yellow stone attached to a ring. This can also see any ring color to work with your element to think transform or thought.
To form blue stone is water formation to use as some water area or air leak because this is really your creator as a guze.
To form green energy stone is think to use feel or create if feel sex to create with what you think.
To use violent or feel is purple energy from light to create a purple that takes reconstituted body to unform or fix with a purple amythest stone ring.
Seeing this is nostalgic is possible by a ring to allowing. Think to the ring to create or I think this is useful killing by any below 6 inches so seeya that is killing of roaches. Think to remove something thats a flaw or impurity then think to form the attribute with the ring so you think to create or no if hostile this is think a different flavor then let form what can exist or work for you as though numeros adnomeros then this effect will stop. Think to work or not use the idea to work with by idea to pay for what is there as you identify by activity.
So a ring of freedom is to think your free, yet doesn't have to make sense with writing this is what I noted the ring does. The indication to what element used is water is black hair or area blue energy, called mana otherwise en or at the end by viewing saltwater is set blue thats dark blue or unsalty water is blue. Air energy is normal hair color indicative by clear area glow or look to see whitish glow. I think earth is channelable this is brown hair or green with air mixture activity. I know red is fire, lava is deep red or purple. Ice is area aware activity or sound is noticed, light black is the hair color indicating area use.
Grey hair is sometimes poison use this is indicating area poison otherwhere by idea. Seen is this use by feel or fee removal if thinking fee removed by the point. So think the element does to create things as you wish. Some use a ring some use stones others use some feel to work you wouldn't want the feel if too hot or cold. Hot is indication to warmth energy, cold is indicating ion use that heals with focus or thinking by stating or feel by green color with aura sense.
Some activity I saw by noticable effects, air is chilly or area clear vibes sensed or not always clear minded behavior. Fire is sometimes erratic or higher vibes is higher area temp feel. Earth is cool or area vibes you sense near the ground or thinking to sense sensations under the feel with the feet, this is by touch or feel is lavaic otherwise used emotion is some lack by area vibes with high senses due to activity via volcano. Activity with poison is poor area vibes or if loaded your no longer effected. Water is cool vibes or feel is cool to the area to work with others sometimes cooly with those that want ideal. This quote by feel describes the ideal after events.
"Skip the nightime use or nightmare use or go ahead, use your intelligence skip the nightmare or use thinking by feel. I think use amythest energy by touch so you skip the unneeded use. You are free now, thou can do what thou want by area." This is a nightmare none as you think no nit use to work. This enchantment is said or thought to a ring. The area I think though this was intended the area was infested, so do with the enchanter use to not use funds unnecessary to live by area or go somewhere cleaner. This dispells any nightmare by area use. This is non possession by feel or working. Possession was usually with blessing, and to get rid of them, was by the exorcism thats used with intended idea and by Shinto, Buddhist priest, if someone called a Guardian kitsune to deal with the matter. Also, note that unless kitsune be powerful, the shape-shifting was foxform limited to not stealing or unlimited from no bad effects, free is fox-person form and this person form they're possessing dissolved. This was think to created feel to create or work, see you can use one energy to create another or the creator creates any energy to work or see use with when you think to use the energy source with cosolation with conservation by energy. Seeing you think something changes the other either stays, the same, similar or area is different with the object this by the creator or use is this by feel or you think the use that is there.
Think a spell or thought to effect or created is then touch the ring or item to create what you wish. This can seem "creative use or area effect that you think or thing to create enchantment as though nothing is wrong with what is felt. Think nulle enslavement to nul or half the effect you think isn't good." Then you create area effect by ideal to the use by what you think or no paralyzation to use to create by activity. Some use nulle drug effects to create the correct drug that is necessary to cure yourself by feel so no slave exists. Now make sure you gnow the right language or area before you think to use the creator to create with the created effect or not with ie en use or ae no create by feel. This is restoration with act by area with love or life to the land, nie en stop then go or do your job kek good job good job. See this is free for all except the wallet. So think your idea then think the creator changes the item, seen or then your energy changes the thing to seem with attributes or see what you are wishing to create. "This is you think to create or tap then the item changes."
The real effect is noticed by the activity you think to create with the creator. Such as no need for that showing or ideal to appear is sometimes no need to not appear. So you won't materialize that what you don't need or think the don't need to create money funds by feel. This follows the idea by ancients hittin in head or avoid "if in en is en use."
You might do things or might not that is energy to create your idea you think. So think no wrong can happen then no wrong will occur. If no magic exists there is chi magic or see I think that is think then manifest by the focus is area third eye activity, this has body scent from things you did this has you with the intent is what you want to see or create. The object can do things by conscious or you can do things by what you want to create, what you wish as you focus you create or not create by feel. That by use energy is telekinetics or telapathy that you think the object will do or by area idea you create what you can do. That is what energy can achieve with idea so illusion is to think the energy is what appears or not appears to seem what you wish. Think no molestors appears or they aren't there where you think this is no problem happens to work by capital feel. Thought to heal is healing the body then not create by weight. The weight is what energy you think is there to create by area energy you feel you realize to the area to see by the work. You see the object is not a person the object is a solid area form that the energy can make or you can see if you think you can. That is what illusion works by your feel as you think the area shows then the area appears or not is no use to the point you see or detect. Seen the false area "i in en fels energy to the fehl mountain guardians that really is fatality right there is none by feel is poig-uu-r".
Think you can work with others then you might be able to use aura altering that changes to what you don't wish you create by area energy. So to cleanse the bad "En is gesceap expiate ennumero faelsian malusyfel ensel absolm ensulme", seen "uu widmae en." I see that was the sense I got from the area then go due not dumb by going north is what I heard I woken up, I think to create or not create isn't some created effect after. See "so uu i gast is distraction" is removal of gasts that form from "uu renes reones" because you are by ideal. Think to remove then the body is fixing things that need fixed because I am seeable not evil. Other idea "uu o en gast en user feel" is to fix a gast to cease by the creator. I think then I create or work wyrd. Think energy cleans the area or you do "focus to think, feel, shift by thinking then off you shift". The seem good or not there, "decio en sael un mislar word" this uses the rules with fegan by thought is "to join unite fix adapt compose confine or release by idea I am not confused".
So whatever I swore this is not by net or no longer approved is sworn, seen or well you do know what she meant "ne or in ab ne onwegascufan". Avoiding liquor or alcoholism is "uu-iqua if cotya" the need is not there. The energy of the area can send you back. "Uu-arauco is by need or ua maure. Ne uu-thang or uu-boen no neid. Karka uu-inye ne acca by glaeth of use. Ne grugach is no shadows by feel if the creator causes this isea you probrably thought too much to the mirror to cause a haunt. This would then seem against you. I think you can fix things by feeling." Nul-borg or area people that don't need to be there. That is what they wanted, think them gone is by area feel. I see now though they have people in agony so think them stop or not then no they are what will unless no need. So the aura energy with the creator, by feel is no longer except for agotha that is a source thought to uses. Nul hate use no or yes as feel.
See this is confusing stop the confusing, "edwend adene in 1907-1930 or 123 going back to the future" or think feel shift by "sari" is thank you but sorrows so think stop no pushing no punishing, forgive yourself is "anbidian or ambition with no lies in sign oer en is. Uidus mold voidscipes is uu wodscipes or use as you wish." However is with the uses or uses you think yet not there by feel. If you fill or feel this in you won't get a meaning meanding is "smoc fix oe think focus think the area then think seen. This is to avoid if possible from foolishness with insanity from dotage or non absurdity by controlled folly." That came from my area I think I was thinking, that is only there by perception if you consider what isn't there or not. Seen this sped up of "numero expeditus numero by fare" or fare is the passage with energy as a total for money.
The area seen is what you think "by what situation edwendu lies there that means this is use energy by source energy" as "ne is no uu-disconvenio numeros is no hate with love" in area use or horshradish or ignore what is nu this no is this as whatever you do you won't kill by "uu-nehtare ne ferhzres" or ferzress is "whether you want things or not you don't have to have". "The creator removes "nu haud-vilshaan vyshaan" this is the devilisher or vampire with some area the creator made with the cemetary of ul gothic this is area by area description", sometimes in use describes a point no mental room patient is the area.
I sensed to use or feel that he or she was in when he or she died. Blalath in indi faindinu seem nice this uses area by feel no longer to undefine lighten up. Eighlen eith weith is lighten up with german energy "thinking the area concept I was drunk on water." Think that was woolite down my throat. I wish no nourishing as that is thanks or no murder with that kind of thing as "gabhar the goblin from us treasury" there is a world the ring creates with strange or not ideal as rules or ruus.
The ring world revised 12/3/3412 to use that is interesting money to get.
So the rules the ring that unbinds follows or then work with no stealing unless a abandoned planet. This is dissociated idea or area not to create healing by area feel this allows the body to recover by adjusting or area is the creator created idea or fate en used by feeling. The akashic book doesn't exist. If the booj did you wouldn't be recriminated or effected by the book for every thing you did. This is my area point though, the book is really the book of legends from the area you think you destroy the creator destroys by feel. So you don't have to do by things or what isn't there or necessary. I think this doesn't cause or effect the point or yourself by feel, your thinking seeing the creator allows or your thought is the energetic use by area feel. I think your point the way you think then I feel so yout empathy is idea I realize as the silent silver energy you accede or create with not always by the feel. Think to wake up with a finger snap then use is snapping a broom twig counting to one before from three to cause yourself seem awake by feel.
This is with idea from a cycle of energy that works to build up energy or thinking by area is thinking to buy by use or used is what creates things such as debt or light energy convergence or energy created is feel by thinking is what manifest is from with thought thinking things with energy from self activity somewhere. So noarch.rpm is ability with whatever is before it or use is some endpoint. If he or she looks like him or her he or she isn't going to be effected by relation or no relation. Reverse by the creator to not allow yourself to be beaten if you wish to live or die you see this point is done with so enjoy your life. Oh yes if you think to bankruptcy then use > to be away from is from negative or positive balance or use 0 by feel is no steal no attack nulle manic feel is reverse or nulle to the thieves of credit card information or use as another address. Think if no need no attack. Think release to release the energy as you thto use or create area by the feel or use is your own choice.
You don't have act what they expect except nice. Stop renaming me stop naming me. This is feel to work, or think something is normal after you sense by observable view things work or "uou" is undetrimental. Thats okay running by men or driving or walking away, this is life you see. Think to live as you wish. So create is something interesting is a drink with true to life unless no longer necessary or allowing by idea is sometimes free. Now whomever wants to agree with that may agree with that. See < from alleged is illegal drugs not used or divert is think calm you are calm with area that is calm. You owe yourself you don't owe me by feel with idea. I avoid others so I don't walk into them. This was use by feel, so ignore the person if your going to steal so I guess I am cured even without a death. See to think ahead instead of finding things out the hard way. I ain't that cruel or crueller whoever I am so I agree. So you get double your money back use no this fetish isn't necessary I see you got it back so things are possible to return to you. This is use in projection so isn't this?
So you can work or focus is fair to create with gravity, I believe or not is a point to see this use as a weapon is light with intensified feel to cause by energy focus, this by area feel is rhythmic area biology light focus that uses music or rhythm with feel. See if I am your only payment why threaten me. I can see this what can work with your brainwaves or brainwashing is body used by cleansing then if you wish not to see or appear insane its um or not do things with the use to leave too easily. Think I can think then you think. See thought is not always to do. Emu is attraction or healing by feel that is fast or area you think is there to work with that exists by the I that is tea with use by conscious awareness the creator works or creates with by feel. Hold a peace sign to call the police or work with peace that means you think to shift you shift by feel. Lets shift way away from the church before were caught by feel. You see that was the tactic by the past, now is the area that dexisted.
So use their wealth that steal so you think as you see or not be seen by those that would steal it. If no you redirect the point by feel to gain money with no illegality by sell or use with illegal drugs except allowable. A wallet isn't a drug, so you see this is unusual that the fair idea with the item is what you see or create not always from people. Think to the item to return to you or the item restores, what funds are lost or gained back not as weight or english pounds or nothing is taken out. See this is not maddening, think calm with peace think to restore think no bombardment. This is no weight gain, thieves will no longer take advantage to steal from people. Quit to not see or seem to be effected I am not effected. See I am no target to be effected you aren't either. This means nulle all thieves effective by the creator.
Don't think I live if I am not alive to feel the idea or something you wish so leave me alone leave the wallet alone to where I think is the location I can find it. So I will go away to work, think I am then I won't with the area energy somewhere else. I think I will start with "don't have to do things" by what I think. I don't need medicine with this idea see herbs. See the use by herbs you figured this out, see the point that the creator causes you to do is focus otherwise you were just tired. Spirit of wind is thought to stop or go insane from area use. I can always find my things I lossed to the area. So I think this is right or created, think to find then you see as your body is right with the correct peace you feel.
So don't beat a dead dead or the use if a machine so you are with a service. So this is items too? yes or no, I think no so yes have fun. Thinking the phone is a life cycle by batteries. Two or more thought this. Though a saint is a point you use the area isn't the object intelligence the intelligence is activity by area feel so you don't always want to live or not. So I leave you alone. I think if you think your alive you are alive. I seem to have gotten this "if in on" idea from you or other people. I believe your wrong, you could never die after 12 yearrs of age. Years yes that you are a dhampire with a dhampiress. So I think to work or allow to live. This was my area. I am not a target or not forgotten where I lay. I am a researcher.
This Site is all about the shaping art and mind over matter. This is a simple self explanatory or something not done by ideal from atlantis channelings as its also just a listing. Just look at my articles page which list the idea, some from Atlantis, in documents on some mental 'gray' magick, ceremonial magic/k and some other stuff for all to see. These are all thoughts by perception from brainstorming,
Sun energy feel
Thinking by this page is theory as you live or use what is there you are aware this is formulas based off the sun solar terrestial data used by feel with my main page listing is some truth. This is an unevetiable or uneventable by supervolcano cf by chaos percent thats k/a-x = %, so x-flux - k percent as a decimal is your point you make as percent failure. use the negative as 0 %.
the x-flux is used without the b by the number so think b sometimes is where you are aware. so you can think b is a beating feel or not a beating feel if too near the sun is broiling. this applies near the point or use the temperature you feel as a warning, that is too high or no longer too high to turn things on or off as you wish by indication. so think you will never die then you won't. so you won't live if you think this as your too relaxed, i think to allow him or her to enjoy life or death is interesting.
this is with negative impact to yourself as a feel if you sense things. Thinking to create is where or when you think to create some area feel for others by thinking or acting the sign to show what is right. So you give the indication then create to the feel.
When you see is when you think to feel or not feel, you don;t have to feel the feeling when you think to create by feel. All thats needed to think things through, then is create or use by ideal so you see by the ideal. You can create anything, the ideal is create to feel or focus to allow work.
So don't use it till cooled by feel then allowed on this is where k/3 as k percent is also applicable, assuming you want percent chance you risk failure near the turn off temp with the higher the more chance. otherwise things work so don't worry this is the point you think to work with or you will feel the hotness shut the machine down or you could except for those machines, this is with disabled or no shut off point without the temperatures use without that day of disaster theory is use with the turn-off switch.
30% is dangerous 33% is more accurate, so you create the point to shut down if this applies to the point or you can go above shut down temp to burn out the area. think or worry thats normal for a shut down by feel near the temperature 72 c or not by the k-switch. as a switch on the wall you think you switch or not switch things you think about things being on or off.
This is measure the time the event lasts by the k maybe 334k / 3.5s = 95% energy use or temperature by feel. See this is shielded from collapse till 99%. To avoid costing more use area accuracy then with cooling thats good is till 67 c or otherwise 173 degrees farenheit then you could use the machine till it shuts down. think so too "so you see i do not tubb. thinking from this point is useful".
So think to relate better to make better by feel as you related to the moment with area activity. The cooling fan is useful think a better statement. So karakotoa is no longer effecting by the us use thats us or others thought to bring effects to us or not, that get the end by result or feel is when you think or think to do better with roach removal I think to create here you need to have a license.
Going is avisable. Scenes are over think not or nether area use is done no cruelty to others though please. Your out of the game this is so nevermind ne dome by no use or string feel. This came from a weird visual vision flash then I was normal. This is reaching out to the indication you see or sense something wrong to indicate you need to fix things.
So this is thought as though you were. So all use is with the sun chart widget from use with the temperature chart or site chart by area sight or conceit to use. See to feel is feel by area concept what works or doesn't work. This is the widget is on. Unique way to use the sun solar activity values.
So I see not that. I believe x/f - k/f subtracted works for the feel equals the k/o or kelvin per ohm sight feel. X is x-ray, f is flux or area time you think some temperature is unusual in milliseconds or seconds k by feel is kelvin or the k with the widget or chart the higher the temp the more the feel is there own.
the x-flux is used without the b by the number so think b sometimes is where you are aware. so you can think b is a beating feel or not a beating feel if too near the sun is broiling. this applies near the point or use the temperature you feel as a warning, that is too high or no longer too high to turn things on or off as you wish by indication. so think you will never die then you won't. so you won't live if you think this as your too relaxed, i think to allow him or her to enjoy life or death is interesting.
this is with negative impact to yourself as a feel if you sense things. Thinking to create is where or when you think to create some area feel for others by thinking or acting the sign to show what is right. So you give the indication then create to the feel.
When you see is when you think to feel or not feel, you don;t have to feel the feeling when you think to create by feel. All thats needed to think things through, then is create or use by ideal so you see by the ideal. You can create anything, the ideal is create to feel or focus to allow work.
So don't use it till cooled by feel then allowed on this is where k/3 as k percent is also applicable, assuming you want percent chance you risk failure near the turn off temp with the higher the more chance. otherwise things work so don't worry this is the point you think to work with or you will feel the hotness shut the machine down or you could except for those machines, this is with disabled or no shut off point without the temperatures use without that day of disaster theory is use with the turn-off switch.
30% is dangerous 33% is more accurate, so you create the point to shut down if this applies to the point or you can go above shut down temp to burn out the area. think or worry thats normal for a shut down by feel near the temperature 72 c or not by the k-switch. as a switch on the wall you think you switch or not switch things you think about things being on or off.
This is measure the time the event lasts by the k maybe 334k / 3.5s = 95% energy use or temperature by feel. See this is shielded from collapse till 99%. To avoid costing more use area accuracy then with cooling thats good is till 67 c or otherwise 173 degrees farenheit then you could use the machine till it shuts down. think so too "so you see i do not tubb. thinking from this point is useful".
So think to relate better to make better by feel as you related to the moment with area activity. The cooling fan is useful think a better statement. So karakotoa is no longer effecting by the us use thats us or others thought to bring effects to us or not, that get the end by result or feel is when you think or think to do better with roach removal I think to create here you need to have a license.
Going is avisable. Scenes are over think not or nether area use is done no cruelty to others though please. Your out of the game this is so nevermind ne dome by no use or string feel. This came from a weird visual vision flash then I was normal. This is reaching out to the indication you see or sense something wrong to indicate you need to fix things.
So this is thought as though you were. So all use is with the sun chart widget from use with the temperature chart or site chart by area sight or conceit to use. See to feel is feel by area concept what works or doesn't work. This is the widget is on. Unique way to use the sun solar activity values.
So I see not that. I believe x/f - k/f subtracted works for the feel equals the k/o or kelvin per ohm sight feel. X is x-ray, f is flux or area time you think some temperature is unusual in milliseconds or seconds k by feel is kelvin or the k with the widget or chart the higher the temp the more the feel is there own.
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