Sun energy feel

Thinking by this page is theory as you live or use what is there you are aware this is formulas based off the sun solar terrestial data used by feel with my main page listing is some truth. This is an unevetiable or uneventable by supervolcano cf by chaos percent thats k/a-x = %, so x-flux - k percent as a decimal is your point you make as percent failure. use the negative as 0 %.

the x-flux is used without the b by the number so think b sometimes is where you are aware. so you can think b is a beating feel or not a beating feel if too near the sun is broiling. this applies near the point or use the temperature you feel as a warning, that is too high or no longer too high to turn things on or off as you wish by indication. so think you will never die then you won't. so you won't live if you think this as your too relaxed, i think to allow him or her to enjoy life or death is interesting.

this is with negative impact to yourself as a feel if you sense things. Thinking to create is where or when you think to create some area feel for others by thinking or acting the sign to show what is right. So you give the indication then create to the feel.
When you see is when you think to feel or not feel, you don;t have to feel the feeling when you think to create by feel. All thats needed to think things through, then is create or use by ideal so you see by the ideal. You can create anything, the ideal is create to feel or focus to allow work.

So don't use it till cooled by feel then allowed on this is where k/3 as k percent is also applicable, assuming you want percent chance you risk failure near the turn off temp with the higher the more chance. otherwise things work so don't worry this is the point you think to work with or you will feel the hotness shut the machine down or you could except for those machines, this is with disabled or no shut off point without the temperatures use without that day of disaster theory is use with the turn-off switch.

30% is dangerous 33% is more accurate, so you create the point to shut down if this applies to the point or you can go above shut down temp to burn out the area. think or worry thats normal for a shut down by feel near the temperature 72 c or not by the k-switch. as a switch on the wall you think you switch or not switch things you think about things being on or off.

This is measure the time the event lasts by the k maybe 334k / 3.5s = 95% energy use or temperature by feel. See this is shielded from collapse till 99%. To avoid costing more use area accuracy then with cooling thats good is till 67 c or otherwise 173 degrees farenheit then you could use the machine till it shuts down. think so too "so you see i do not tubb. thinking from this point is useful".

So think to relate better to make better by feel as you related to the moment with area activity. The cooling fan is useful think a better statement. So karakotoa is no longer effecting by the us use thats us or others thought to bring effects to us or not, that get the end by result or feel is when you think or think to do better with roach removal I think to create here you need to have a license.

Going is avisable. Scenes are over think not or nether area use is done no cruelty to others though please. Your out of the game this is so nevermind ne dome by no use or string feel. This came from a weird visual vision flash then I was normal. This is reaching out to the indication you see or sense something wrong to indicate you need to fix things.

So this is thought as though you were. So all use is with the sun chart widget from use with the temperature chart or site chart by area sight or conceit to use. See to feel is feel by area concept what works or doesn't work. This is the widget is on. Unique way to use the sun solar activity values.

So I see not that. I believe x/f - k/f subtracted works for the feel equals the k/o or kelvin per ohm sight feel. X is x-ray, f is flux or area time you think some temperature is unusual in milliseconds or seconds k by feel is kelvin or the k with the widget or chart the higher the temp the more the feel is there own.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Drain effect

 This drain effect was due to some experimentation. I think to create or correct is some area that you thin exists your idea. Such as in energy or not use by area point is draino use or baking soda with mouth wash by vinegar is h2o2 is hydrogen peroxide or sodium bicarbonate useful with pinesol solvent released. Whatever you see is thought you create or others create is with example to your use notice. This is some interest yet don't use devils lye with other chemicals because you can burst the pipe. I think this works as you think or sense or the creator creates the effect you think is possible or not use the idea you see.

 The idea is democracy exists as you think whatever the name. I think the area even though you thought this worked isn't there unless some product exists. So you don't have to even up. See the light switch effect is some idea. This is the draino drainage mouthwash trick. I think this is some joke on you to cost too much so stop then you won't ever have to cost again by your area. This definitely is the joke they played on you one day you see the person was the reason you couldn't stay there yet you see to believe reason you can yet they believed both then stayed out of the point to let you settle things or you won't get any result or if a result then no hit is done. I think you see my point.

 I am now going to end that universe that played that joke on you. There they ceased to exist so the jokster universe can cease as well. I think some migration or migrates came over so I wish them away. If you wish the universe to cease if they think enterntainment that formed the idea was you can think cease then the plane or planar existence ceases by the creator. I think I got agreement so think yourself away to work somewhere else. I think the place was meant for bloodshed anyway so think no more to create not more to what they think.

 I think if the third eye wanted something it would have created things already. I also think you were right to work like you wanted. Yet you see this was some area feeling so I was not wanting to fix the sink or you think this is some area or idea that you consider or no effect is no reasoning. However if you think this works then go on by what you consider use. Think the bulldog away to create as you wish without its teeth in you by area feel not use a double resolution. I think to allow is the actual event or idea that you think is happened. I wish to succeed with their idea.

 So I think this is a point you think that works by feel. So the area I think works by area i left some in the the area. Don't think the universe exists there. I think if you create some feel they create some area point or not. Still or moving is the more effect by pine sol with vinegar with devils lye to create by the white vinegar to create by baking soda. The proof is bubbling in the sink by area feel no fear. This was no reason no way to go except outer space travel unless you use the creator. Just think your someplace for yourself someplace then your existing where you need to by feel.

No use is H20 with aluminum nitrate, or not use this seeing you see use with hydrogen or hydrogen chloride use is hydrogen fluoride base to dissolve by oxygenized or user creative acid or fluoride the area you think to use to dissolute. This took a day or less by feel or measured time. As thinking through the pipe to effect some area non toxic. However chlorine or clorox is toxic as fluoride seems to work dissolve by dissolution is feel by use by feel as well is energy. Bonodoct is wat you wish or you create by though mention. What really works is 409 cleaner with toothpaste or fluoride.

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