Sun energy feel

Thinking by this page is theory as you live or use what is there you are aware this is formulas based off the sun solar terrestial data used by feel with my main page listing is some truth. This is an unevetiable or uneventable by supervolcano cf by chaos percent thats k/a-x = %, so x-flux - k percent as a decimal is your point you make as percent failure. use the negative as 0 %.

the x-flux is used without the b by the number so think b sometimes is where you are aware. so you can think b is a beating feel or not a beating feel if too near the sun is broiling. this applies near the point or use the temperature you feel as a warning, that is too high or no longer too high to turn things on or off as you wish by indication. so think you will never die then you won't. so you won't live if you think this as your too relaxed, i think to allow him or her to enjoy life or death is interesting.

this is with negative impact to yourself as a feel if you sense things. Thinking to create is where or when you think to create some area feel for others by thinking or acting the sign to show what is right. So you give the indication then create to the feel.
When you see is when you think to feel or not feel, you don;t have to feel the feeling when you think to create by feel. All thats needed to think things through, then is create or use by ideal so you see by the ideal. You can create anything, the ideal is create to feel or focus to allow work.

So don't use it till cooled by feel then allowed on this is where k/3 as k percent is also applicable, assuming you want percent chance you risk failure near the turn off temp with the higher the more chance. otherwise things work so don't worry this is the point you think to work with or you will feel the hotness shut the machine down or you could except for those machines, this is with disabled or no shut off point without the temperatures use without that day of disaster theory is use with the turn-off switch.

30% is dangerous 33% is more accurate, so you create the point to shut down if this applies to the point or you can go above shut down temp to burn out the area. think or worry thats normal for a shut down by feel near the temperature 72 c or not by the k-switch. as a switch on the wall you think you switch or not switch things you think about things being on or off.

This is measure the time the event lasts by the k maybe 334k / 3.5s = 95% energy use or temperature by feel. See this is shielded from collapse till 99%. To avoid costing more use area accuracy then with cooling thats good is till 67 c or otherwise 173 degrees farenheit then you could use the machine till it shuts down. think so too "so you see i do not tubb. thinking from this point is useful".

So think to relate better to make better by feel as you related to the moment with area activity. The cooling fan is useful think a better statement. So karakotoa is no longer effecting by the us use thats us or others thought to bring effects to us or not, that get the end by result or feel is when you think or think to do better with roach removal I think to create here you need to have a license.

Going is avisable. Scenes are over think not or nether area use is done no cruelty to others though please. Your out of the game this is so nevermind ne dome by no use or string feel. This came from a weird visual vision flash then I was normal. This is reaching out to the indication you see or sense something wrong to indicate you need to fix things.

So this is thought as though you were. So all use is with the sun chart widget from use with the temperature chart or site chart by area sight or conceit to use. See to feel is feel by area concept what works or doesn't work. This is the widget is on. Unique way to use the sun solar activity values.

So I see not that. I believe x/f - k/f subtracted works for the feel equals the k/o or kelvin per ohm sight feel. X is x-ray, f is flux or area time you think some temperature is unusual in milliseconds or seconds k by feel is kelvin or the k with the widget or chart the higher the temp the more the feel is there own.

Friday, May 1, 2015

the malicious letter revised

the last offense "or not" by the use the original is to click here.

  this you take offense to work defense to those that are offensive, so you are aware so you don't have take a drug test or safe drug to sense or no longer be trapped. see this is so are aware till you think your trapped on the planet thats unsafe. you think your gone think to work the use herbs instead. this is sometimes with dopamine or water energy that he enduces. so think to create no more to the point you consider. this is or was your last actual warning. so i won't seeya where you are. think to no longer allow me near you in your subconscious. this is energy in an end event entirely thought the worlds biggest trap. "thatts" the big picture the small picture is what you art to create.

  the world of drugs by use or tea is what is caffiene laded to not allow addiction except with high fructose or artificial fruit fructose. i think the fact now, the creator stops the bad from happening. so if caught somewhere think your way out to no longer bother us or the area yu think to bother ever again. ciou is dead or happy ending. so think its true. that god can be multiple spaces at once. he or she is the 6th dimensional god alouou. severity of the thought is severity you think is the moment. this is the last time. i am not religious so i know this. what you is there is what you think. what you don't is what isn't there. there is no need except herbs use to revive if necessary, so use sage with any herb you think the point to work is use by the creator to prevent insanity.

   this was a false system produced by the soul for a volcanic reaction so i think to use a few notes you thought your thoughts are well hidden by, so use this "is" by the fact you are aware then the area you think or uses are your aware this is by the fact you are fooling yourself to belief systems that aren't ours so you may think you understand this is not to feel so think with the feel or you think. this place has turned into a death trap that is why your there not here as a death trap is disruption to the area to cause what you think you can form to leave by the means you see or sense that are necessary till thought. this i think is the last entry to this blog so i will add this thought as another. this was a waste of time except for the trap that is the fruit not the food. as you think to create with food you create by the food you think you exist by the point. otherwise the pont you hold by the point or release by the feel.

   so time energy forward is aec time frequency music or tunes or not with a e g thats not energy by some music the first sends you forward the second sends you back. so you avoid the common ill if possible the vitamin b complex with the fried food or no fried food with water. thanks to you that created this ideal i realize this was where i thought is the point. these are the notes. this is the most badass letter i found thats vicious otherwise the most malicious letter.

  that the burning puffs indicate my last laugh as you burned my house down with fireworks to prove you were a god and i lied that i could defeat you. but this is not my last joke so think not to get worse. don't need to call for help gonna leave you alone. whatever happens you don't lose your mind. if use is a difference this is none to use. think to create by the feel or feeling, thinkg the ideal is what will create value. think the line to work with the point. this the think point is no longer necessary. this is no or allowing use. so women are what shape they are other use is what they the thought makers make. i am going to leave now. then hope to find a livable planet to live or work with thats alive with living people with no fight en. see this is rather interesting. lightworkers work some are a group formed by jedi.

   the last note entry is a true one, you are a were only if you think you are an is their death god, the point you think to the death you do not feel he causes. this was a trap or trick to get you killed by those that despised you. this i know because the energy causes area energy the right way the belief systems are there by the feeling you think you do not feel you think to feel so your fooling yourself. so stop fooling yourself to create or work things out. this was the last note: you are fooling yourself by the belief system you use to understand us that you do not know us at all you just think you do as you think you know that is the death gods ploy to work your ideal if you were convinced to not exist.

   others are not immune an to you so think before you speak or the god thats deadlty can seem there to kill your friends off by poison. jedi are a joke, they were humane people that played along. so this is the last lasting laugh to you that wronged me you see you were right. i was en manipukating or psi that is manipulating the area energy to manipulating with kinesis or psychokinesis to end things.

  this is something your mind made up by manipulating the energy or activity by use. as you manipulate mind telepath, you get manipulated so they were as though there. because you believed they were they were never there. as aesidur says you were wronged you no longer need to know to attack someone else think to visit us instead. this is pointed to the area you think. the calm is what you think resolves conficts to no longer conflict by the peace you think.

  think the first time you create then create to the touch to create as you wish. to create you think or work by the feel, then you create more or stop by the ideal you think to create then no longer create with what you get. so you create you are worthless you tried this stuff then you will know nothing works right with the broken things around it. no i don't care for it because most won't get off the stuff i know about as observed by substitution with some switch effect. this i think is my last letter. think to create something to what you think is worth your time or think to avoid those that you pissed off. you won't till you think to avoid then how long do you think to avoid people.

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